Animated Apraxia Educational Videos

Videos that Educate and Inspire

Understanding Apraxia

Our animated explainer videos help people see how Apraxia affects communication and how they can easily interact with someone with Apraxia. Whether you’re a parent or an educator, these videos are a valuable resource.

You Have a Friend with Apraxia

When my daughter started school it was necessary to teach her peers about Apraxia. This led to the creation of a video titled “You Have a Friend with Apraxia.”

The focus of this video is to teach other kids what they can do to be a good friend to someone with Apraxia.

When I showed my daughter this video for the first time, she watched it over and over. I quickly realized she was learning more about Apraxia and herself from watching the video.

So, please use these videos in any way you see fit….show them to your child with Apraxia or share them in the classroom.

Every child with Apraxia progresses differently, so these videos will not be appropriate for all cases.

I hope that others will benefit from sharing these videos.

-Katherine Le

There are two versions of this video:

Animated video of a girl with Apraxia interacting with her friends at school.
Animated video of a boy with Apraxia interacting with his friends at school.

Do you want to download these videos?  Click on the Vimeo link and you will be able to download the videos from Vimeo.